Wednesday, September 21, 2011

Rediscover the Church

In recent years there has been a mass exodus from churches. Why? There are many reasons, but the most obvious reason is that people have incorrectly concluded that the Church is irrelevant to their lives. But that sentiment is changing. Why? Because people are realizing that they really need God. Think about it! There are no jobs; cuts on many government programs, the middle class is becoming extinct; employers are primarily concerned about there bottom line; domestic violence has increased; the slave trade is live and well in America, and we're losing a generation of people to secular humanist- the belief that there is no God, and that's just for starters. The big question people outside the Church is asking: "Is God for real?" The answer to that question can only be fully answered by the Church. People can learn a lot about God outside the Church. For example, on the web, library, books, and reading the bible. But they can't truly experience God without the Church. The Church is exclusive! Its builder and maker is God; unless Christ builds it, the builders and laborers will work in vain. The Church has exclusivity because Jesus Christ is the head and He gives instructions through the Holy Spirit to the body- the Church. Rediscovering the Church isn't just for non-Christians. Believers also need to rediscover the Church. Christians have treated the Church like they treat their jobs- they're attempting punch a time clock with God. But we don't punch a time clock with God, because attending Church is a matter of faithfulness. The New Testament book of Hebrews 10:25, tell us that we must not give up meeting together, as some are in the habit of doing. Church should be rediscovered for three simple reasons: It's a command (2) It's a place of worship (3) It's a place of spiritual growth. If you are struggling to find the Church relevant in your life, remember that it is the only place where you can truly experience God, and that is worth it all!

Sunday, September 4, 2011

A Community of Believers

Let's dream. Imagine that you were given an opportunity to join a community where you are able to easily connect to everyone in the community. You could share you ideas and dreams, visions, spiritual gifts, and regularly get what you need spiritually, emotionally, and materially. Furthermore, lets add that you would be a part of a community of people that were your extended family. Would you join that community? Would you feel comfortable being in that community on a regular bases? Would you regularly invite your friends and acquaintances to join you in that community? I would! My answer is yes to all of the above. Well, you get a sense of what it was like with the 1st century Church in Jerusalem. Acts 4:32 tells us that the community of believers were so unified in such away that God add daily to there numbers. Why? Because they behaved like the true church. They were grace filled-meaning the love of God was strong in their hearts and they were sold-out to the idea of a community where the power & the presence of God was evident. Sounds crazy? It's not! The Old Testament believers lived in that kind of community. They were officially called "The Children of Israel."  They were known as the people of God. And yes there were requirements to live in that community, and the requirement can be reduced to one word: Obedience! The only requirement then and now to live in that kind of community is obedience to the will, plan, and purpose of God. Let me conclude by saying I want to live in that community now! The 21 century Church will need to be grace filled in order to be relevant in the 21 century. We all have spiritual, emotional, and material needs, and God promises to meet all of our needs according to His riches in glory by Christ Jesus. But here is the kicker, he meets all of those needs through the Church- the people of God. Uncaring Christians will soon become irrelevant in this ever changing world. Why? Because talk is cheap.  We can't just point people to an invisible God and say he's going to solve all of your problems. He has equipped the Church with power, boldness, and favor.  These three characteristics is all that the church need to do greater work.

Sunday, August 14, 2011


Vision simply means to see. From God's perspective, vision is an act of divine communication from creator to creation in a way that conveys information with spiritual consequences. For example, Habakkuk was a prophet of God during the time of great trials and distress in the nation of Israel. Habakkuk was overwhelm by war, violence, and the injustice he saw in that nation. The reason for the spiritual decline was obvious. The people of God had turned their backs on God. In response to their disobedience, God allow them to experience his divine judgement. The prophet Habakkuk was a man of prayer, and his prayers demanded a response from God about their future. God responded to the prophet request with a vision. In Habakkuk 2:2-4, God sent the prophet a vision that turned his worries into worship. The vision was for an appointed time, but God wanted the prophet to be encouraged in knowing that the violence he saw among his people would come to an end, and He would send a revival. For this reason, you should always be open to divine communications from the mind of God. In your moments of distress, getting a Word that assured you of victory, restoration, and peace is like water to a thirsty man. Finally, the Word of God promises ever presence help in the time of need, but it will only happen according to God's design. Not our!

Thursday, August 4, 2011

Look Up & Live!

Are you paying any attention to what is happening in Washington D.C? Our elected officials can't agree on how to balance the budget or cut taxes. The American public is accused of spending more money than they earn. That's like the pot calling the kettle black. Our government now owe so much money, that it would cost every American, old & young, $45,000 to pay it off! If you are looking for Republicans and Democrats for a solution to your problems, guest what? You are in for a very big surprise. But fear not! I have a Word from the Lord, just for you. This Word is instant for any season, every circumstance, and any situation. This Word will be your ever presence help in your time of need. These are words that King David found refuge in when his Kingdom was being threaten by a more advanced army: He said, "Some trust in chariots and some in horses, but we trust in the Name of the Lord our God!" David's trust was in his God. Therefore, you should trust in the Lord will all your heart, and lean not on your own understanding, but in all of your ways acknowledge him and he will direct your path.

Sunday, April 24, 2011

He is Risen!

2000 years ago on the first Easter Sunday, a few ladies went to the tomb where Jesus was buried. They must have been both curious and anxious; curious to see whether Jesus had risen from the dead, and anxious to witness the Resurrection of the Son of God. Upon arriving at the tomb, it was opened. With great expectancy and anticipation, they entered the tomb, piercing through the darkness they didn't see the body of Jesus Christ, rather they saw an angel of the Lord. The angel spoke the words that have been repeated by millions of Christians on Easter Sunday; He is Risen! Jesus Christ, the Son of God is not counted among the dead, He is alive! Because He LIVES, YOU can come ALIVE! All that Jesus did on the cross was for our benefit: He is hope for the hopeless, He is strength for the weak, He is wisdom for the learned, and He offers everlasting life. Life has a way of placing people in tombs. A tomb is built to whole the dead. A tomb couldn't keep the Son of God, and life's tomb shouldn't keep you from coming alive!Christians shouldn't be dead, because He lives we should live. Everything that life throws at us don't whole a candle to the power of the Holy Spirit of God who re energize believers day after day. As Christians, we must learn to shake off the deadness; we should learn to prune the dead branches attached to our lives, and when we encounter life's tombs that have overwhelmed us and sealed us end with stones of worry, doubt, fear, failure, and disappointment, remember that Jesus still roll back the stones. The greater the stone, the greater the power of God to roll back that stone. The power of the Holy Spirit is the power to capture the spirit of Easter. The hope of Easter is the power of the Holy Spirit at work in you. Celebrate it!

Monday, April 11, 2011

The Cross of Jesus

Our English word for the Cross that Jesus bore is not the same word for Cross in the original manuscript of the bible. Why? Because bible translators couldn't find a word in English that adequately conveyed the true meaning of the Cross. A Cross 2000 years ago was something to be feared; it was to be something dreaded. Why? Because anyone condemned to be crucified would suffer a death that was both painful and slow. The condemned prisoner would be nailed to the Cross; the nails would Pierce the veins, and crush the tendons in both hands and feet. The arteries in the head and stomach would swell because of the surge of blood. The wounds would quickly become infected. The pain of Crucifixion was so great, that the victim would desire a quick death more than anything else. As you can see, the Cross that Jesus bore was no cheap Cross. Jesus bore His Cross in obedience to God and He has appointed Christians to bear their Cross in obedience to Himself. Anyone unwilling to bear their cross can't be a follower of Jesus! BUT, Christ supplies the grace that's equal to the burden of the Cross. Bearing the Cross identifies you with Christ in His suffering; what I mean is this, bearing your Cross includes suffering loss, damages, and injuries in your service to the Lord. But here is the kicker, it don't have to only hurt. Jesus showed the world and Church that through the pain is hope, possibility, and peace. I am a shameless cross-bearer! Admittedly I don't like pain, but it's God's will that I bear it from time to time so that through my life, His purpose might be fulfilled. Strangely enough, every cross bearer has the same story. Now here comes the riddle, what's your story?

Monday, March 21, 2011

Gift vs Talent

There is a great deal of confusion about the Gifts of the Spirit in operation; every believer has been given at least one spiritual gift. Why? We are gifted to serve; if Jesus taught us anything, He taught us to serve others in the power of the Holy Spirit! "It is not by might nor by power, but by my Spirit says the Lord of Host." Jesus came and died to alleviate human suffering caused by the meanest of sin. Sin separates us from God; sin isolates us from God; without a relationship with God, through Jesus Christ, we'll be the ones in the greatest need for spiritual, emotional, and physical alleviation from suffering. Believers have a command from the Lord to use our spiritual gifts, in whatever form it may be in, to faithfully serve others. But natural talents will destroy the potential of any Christian to live a Christ centered, victorious life! Natural talent should be checked at the door of any Church. When a church is operated exclusively on naturally talented people, look out below because a train wreck is well on the way. Do yourself a favor, commit to only allowing your natural talents to dovetail your spiritual gifts- and not take the place of the Gift. Gifts verses Talents? No contest! Talents are great in their proper place, but talent is unable to sustain the momentum of consistently meeting the needs of others in ministry. Talent is show-n-tell within the walls of the Church; spiritual gifts are the real deal. The Kingdom of God is not show -n-tell, but a matter of spiritual power. Lastly, spiritual gifts empower Christians to live their lives on a supernatural level. This is truly possible-don't let the haters fool you! The gifts of the spirit will always make room for you, because they will always be needed to alleviate human suffering.

Monday, March 14, 2011


Christians have grossly underestimated the value of there relationship with the Creator; we know how to take advantage of our relationship with political people, celebrities, business people and so on, but we under estimate the value of our union with Christ! There are so many benefits to being Christian: We are blessed and heaven bound; we are not perfect, but forgiven. The most tangible value of our union with Christ are the Gifts of the Spirit. God has generously lavished on believers spiritual gifts. Most of us have received at least one lavished gift from someone we know personally, but natural gifts, though great, don't whole a candle to spiritual gifts. Sadly, most Christians treat spiritual gifts the same way they treat unwanted gifts. We lay aside unwanted gifts; we appreciate the thought and gesture for the gift, but we find unwanted gifts irrelevant to the moment or mission of our lives. But that's WRONG! Spiritual gifts are the mother-load of gifts. these gifts keep on giving! God wouldn't have given them to you if they would be useless; He wouldn't have presented them to the Church if there purpose would soon become irrelevant. In the Pauline letters of the New Testament, we learn a great deal about these gifts; we know that they are "favored" gifts. That means that God so favored Christians, that He gave them lavished gifts they didn't deserve, and we all know that favor isn't fair! The New Testament identifies 20 different spiritual gifts that God has given to empower believers. Bottom line, it is time for you to unwrap your spiritual gifts and discover there powers. So go ahead and remove the Bow and Ribbons; tear away the wrapping and start using the gifts God favored you with! And remember, the value of spiritual gifts transcend the present, because they are the only gifts on earth that has eternal value! Lastly, you can go back to our homepage and take an assessment designed to help you discover your spiritual gift, and you should attend the upcoming workshop on spiritual gifts discovery, starting on Sunday morning, March 20, 2011. For further information, visit our website.

Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Call of God

Every person is called by God; non-Christians are called to accept the grace provided through the blood of Jesus. Christians are called upward and higher in their walk with God! The Lord calls us where we are and as we are, but He compels us to grow inward and onward in Christ Jesus! We are first called to the person of Jesus Christ; the power, grace, mercy, and salvation is connected with Jesus. Without His blood, God would only see the sin of our lives and not the redemption of our lives because of the blood. Secondly, we are called to a personal relationship with the Lord; this relationship is the method of transformation. Transformation is the process of discipleship; Jesus called his disciples to follow him in transformation. He clearly told them that if they followed Him, he would transform them! Transformation is vital and necessary for success as a Christian. The call to transformation is a call to successful Christian living on every level. Lastly, we are called to a purpose. God created you for purpose; every aspect of your being solves a problem. Your ears solves a problem with hearing; your eyes solves a problem with sight; your mouth solves a problems with speech. You were created to solve spiritual problems. God has called you to successful Christian living so you can solve the greatest number of problems. To sum it all up, many are called but only a few answer! Resolve to answer the call of God at every level and in every area of your life; your personal, spiritual, financial, and emotional success will depend on it-I promise!

Monday, February 21, 2011


Christian dating always have an objective; marriage! That's right! the objective of Christian dating is marriage. Why not? What else could possibly be the objective of dating? For Christians, the objective can't be sex-that's fornication. Fornication comes from the root word porneo; from that word we get the English word porn. God established the rules for Christian dating; the rule is sexual abstinence before marriage. The objective of dating can't just be social interaction; that can be accomplished without the commitment expected with dating. From the Christian perspective, a single Christian content to be along without a compelling desire for a soul mate should rejoice in the knowledge that they are complete and lack nothing from the Lord. Going out for fun, social interaction, and fellowship wouldn't be considered dating. It would simply be what it is. However, if their is a growing desire for companionship; if there is burning passion for the opposite sex, dating serves a God given purpose of attracting, qualifying, and marrying the person you will love, and give yourself fully too. So let's be clear, God expect single Christians to practice sexual abstinence as a living sacrifice to Him. The reward is joy, peace, and power in the Holy Ghost. However, if you are dating or looking to date, prepare yourself for the spiritual, emotional, and relational challenges; and remember, godly boundaries doesn't mean that you can't enjoy the process.

Monday, January 24, 2011

Day 21 of my 21 Day fast

The race is not given to the swift nor the strong, but to him/her who finishes the race. I have finished the race; the fast is now officially over. My faith is made perfect; the joy of the Lord is my strength. This amazing journey has stretch me to a new level. Fighting through the distractions, body pains, temptations, and the rest, I have learned a great many things about myself, and the power of the Holy Spirit in a brand new way!. I hope that you were able to finish your fast; I trust that obvious distractions weren't compelling enough to move your focus away from having your greatness needs presented to God. Satan's objective is always going to be to kill, steal, and destroy your faith! That's his purpose; your purpose is to worship God on the highest level, and at your best. Remember a very important key in the Daniel's fast, his answer didn't come until after the fast was over. So if you haven't gotten the breakthrough that you have been waiting for, be of good cheer. God has already worked it out; you must simply wait on the blessings to materialize in your life. But, be alert to the enemy. If he can't prevent your blessing from entering your life, he will try and steal it out of your life. If you are praying about your children, don't be surprised if they do something ridiculous to destroy your faith and hope in their salvation and deliverance. That's the enemy trying to fight you back through them. Keep believing; keep praying! I pray that the essences of your fast remains a sweet aroma in the presence of God, and that you constantly operate at a new level of faith and hope, and joy in the Holy Ghost!

Sunday, January 23, 2011

Day 20 my 21 day fast

Day 20 and counting; I am in the home stretch. Within the next 24 hours, the fast will be complete. Because of mental and spiritual discipline, I was able to achieve by faith what I couldn't have achieved otherwise. Point of fact: There are mountains we will face that will not move without the help of God and the authority of His Word. But, there are mountains that Jesus said that we can move on our on because of our faith. Endurance teaches perseverance, and perseverance is a friend to our hope. I began this fast with the faith to believe that God would invade my life in a supernatural manner within the period of my fast. And I hoped that my faith wouldn't fail me, and I wasn't disappointed! The greatest lesson learned over the last few weeks is that I wasn't as humble as I thought, and evening after a miraculous change in the level of humility in my life, I am still not there. The flesh is a mess! Paul wrote about the battle between these 2 prevailing forces in our lives; the flesh waring against the spirit and the spirit against the flesh. Paul wrote that we will struggle spiritually because these two powerful forces are at different ends of the spectrum. One wants to obey the will of God at all times, and the other one wants do what feels go. Today, my flesh is under the dominion of my (human) spirit and my spirit is actively listening to the Holy Spirit of God. I only pray that I may be able to walk in His divine order for many seasons after the fast. Admittedly, a 21 day fast is a tremendous challenge to your life on many different levels. If you have gone the distance with me, congratulation on an extraordinary journey toward God. May the seed you planted in the fast bear you fruit for many seasons to come!

Saturday, January 22, 2011

Day 19 of my 21 day fast

Standing on the bank of the Jordan River; looking over into the Land of Promise! Just a few days before crossing the river into a new season- a transformation. Recognizing that everything God has promised is waiting across the divide; having 2nd sight allows vision and line of sight to the promise. How glorious are the promises of God. They never fade, rust, or can be stolen. I can see so clearly the majestic of the Lord. The Holy Spirit has educated me about the promise, now I don't see it as something to gain, but rather something to become. I think I have a little better understanding about how Moses felt, as he looked over into the Land of Promise as the chosen leader of the Hebrew people. God enabled him to see the realization of his faith; though he wasn't allow to enter into the promise land, he inherited the promise anyway-a better promise. Day 19 is the beginning of the big push toward the end. I refuse to end this fast with a whimper, but rather a BANG in the Holy Ghost! Extending my prayer and praise time; seeking to have my breakthrough to break forth! I can honestly say that I got my breakthrough about a week ago, but I have not allowed by breakthrough to break forth! Breaking forth is out of the box transformation; out of the box change. Change so evident that a child will discern it because of the anointing of the Spirit. I know that I have been sounding Hyper Spiritual lately, but I seriously can't help it. I have read through the 4 New Testament Gospels, prayed fervently daily, and praised my God with my whole heart. I am simply full of God! I am more like my Savior today than I have ever been. This 21 day fast was for me; I invited the church to join me in this journey toward transformation. Why? Because to whom much is given, much is required. The heavenly UPS truck has scheduled an enormous blessing to be delivered at my designation. Why? Obedience! God told me during the Christmas holidays that I would need to fast in order to get what I seek. My mother told me I was born at night, but not last night. When God speaks to you about a matter with clarity and purpose, you position yourself to hear what the Spirit has to say, without exception. Remember, nothing in all of eternity is more important that the whispers of God about your life. When you get these Holy Ghost Whispers, they alert Satan; just as there are Angels assigned to you at certain seasons in your life, so are there demons assigned to you at certain seasons of your life. For example, a spiritual breakthrough will always get their attention. In order for you to walk in victory and the power of God, Demon powers and influences must be pushed back, and if they can prevent you from obtaining the victory and power promised by God in His word, rest assured, they will.

Friday, January 21, 2011

Day 18 of my 21 day fast

In John 15:7, Jesus said, "If you remain in me, and my words remain in you, ask whatever you want and it will be given you." Fasting and praying is a direct product of the words of Jesus. Fasting is a biblical principle, that even Jesus said that His disciples would practice in His absence. And praying connects us with the Creator on the most intimate level. Coupled together, you will emerge with a greater anointing and power of God in your life. Let's be real, why else will anyone in their right mind endure a 21 day fast! I have loss over 13 pounds to date, and expecting to lose a few more before it's over. The pain I have experienced in the last few weeks is the kind of pain I haven't experienced in years. Admittedly, the pain is familiar. Remember, I was seriously injured many years ago, and the pain I am experiencing is the resurrection of that pain because my body isn't as strong as it was a few weeks ago. I don't have energy to physically train. I only have the energy to pray and do a few well define things. But once again, that's the point! When the body was strong, the spirit was weak. Now, the spirit is willing, but the flesh is week-AMEN!!!!! It is in your weakness (flesh) that you are made strong (spirit). This fast is a success. Why? Because I have made a golden link with the Holy Spirit on a level that can never be broken, denied, or dismissed. Therefore, I am now operating on a new level of faith, new level of ministry, a new level of expectation and hope and joy in the Holy Ghost. I will certainly regain the weight, and put to death the pain I an experiencing at this very moment. What can you take from this rant? Well, simply this, walking in divine order is more than a notion. It is a reality for many believers willing to die to themselves and take of their cross and follow Jesus on a daily bases. If you are unwilling to do that, you will never be as strong as I am in the Lord. Why? Because of this fast, I have been crucified with Christ and I no longer live, but it is Christ who lives in me!

Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Day 17 of my 21 day fast

Day 17 started by maintaining my spiritual discipline of prayer & praise in the presence of God. Started reading the final New Testament Book of John about the Gospel of Jesus-personal devotional. I have really been drawn into a deeper sense of His presence because of the personal reading and prayer. I am honestly feeling overwhelmed by the knowledge that after the fast ends, and I return to my normal routine, I will no longer have this level of intimacy with the Holy Spirit of God. Intimacy on any level births something special, something with meaning & purpose. I honestly covet fellowship with the Holy Spirit each day. The revelation from this fast is the fact that there is another spiritual level of faith and obedience with God. Every child of God can experience a deeper level of faith and communion with the Holy Spirit, it just requires our time and commitment to develop and maintain a high level of intimacy. I compare this statement with marriages for a deeper understanding. Whenever I witness great marriages, I see a level of intimacy and dedication that's fireproof! Likewise, when I witness weak marriages, I see the opposite. Jesus said, "when the Holy Spirit comes, He will lead you and guide you into all truth." With Him, I see deception, and falsehood very clearly. With Him, I feel stronger, wiser, and more powerful than any enemy. QUESTION: Why would anyone in their right mind want to give that up? Now you see my dilemma; how do I return to my normal routine without jeopardizing the level of intimacy with the Holy Spirit that has developed over the last 3 weeks? I don't have the answer at the moment, but I am convinced of one universal fact, when you love someone, there is just about nothing you won't do to keep them! And I have fallen in love with the Holy Spirit of God-did you get that?

Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Day 16 of my 21 day fast

Aren't you glad that yesterday is the past and today won't last forever? Are you thrilled that your past does not necessarily equal your future? Can you rejoice in the fact that all things are possible for you in Christ? Well, so do I! And because I do,yesterday's struggle are behind me and today was a victorious day. With only a few days left in the fast, I have had to fight the good fight of faith. The Tempter (Satan), couldn't intercept the Word of God which came to me during the fast. But he has been relentless in his efforts to distract my attention away from the life changing Word of God I received during the fast. We all know that he's a liar and the father of lies, but just knowing the truth won't make you free. However, knowing the truth can make you free as the Word of God is applied to your life. If the Devil can take your testimony from the fast, your labor has been in vain! Don't dedicate 3 weeks (if you're fasting with me) to a fast as a seed planted in the Kingdom of Heaven, just to wimp out in the end. If it was worth the effort, it is worth the victory! Remember, your miracle starts in your mouth! Begin proclaiming the anointed Word of God over your life, your children, your finances, and your health. Proclaim the victory of successfully humbling yourself before God to hear His voice.

Day 15 of my 21 day fast

"Submit yourselves, to God, resist the Devil and he will flee from you. James. 4:7 Today was a spiritual challenge for me. Up to this point I haven't had demonic attacks that really broke my spiritual focus, but today was that day. Jesus taught His disciples to rebuke the enemy with the authority they had in Christ Jesus; James, the brother of Jesus taught the early church to resist the Devil and he will give up for a time. But if you don't resist his powers, you will be destroyed by them. You would think that with all of this biblical knowledge that I would be stronger than that! Me too! But, there is a notable exception, fasting. Remember, fasting humbles the soul and focuses your thoughts. If you allow something to become your focus, it will be dramatically intense, whether good or bad. Well, I made a mistake, I don't like mistakes; we all make them, but discipline has taught me to minimize them! But, when I do make mistakes, I typically analyze them and adjust. But this time, the enemy twisted the mistake into a sharp object that has haunted my every thought. Even with the voice of my God urging me to move on, I found myself paralyzed by the reoccurring thoughts. O' wretched man that I am, who can deliver me from this body of sin. Sin! Yes! Failing to obey the unction of God is pure sin, no matter how it's packaged. What shall I do? What else can I do? Submit myself to God and resist the devil. What is the point of sharing my spiritual struggle with you today? We all struggle now and then, even leaders. But, the child of God who can overcome the gripping power of the evil one, walks in the light; Light always shines in the darkness and the darkness has to flee. The point is simply this, when you're facing life's test and trials, stand on the light of the gospel of Jesus Christ. You will find your way, no matter how difficult it might be!

Monday, January 17, 2011

Day 14 of my 21 day fast

Glory to God in the Highest! I got it today! I got the blessing God promised me beyond my on request in the fast! Rejoice with me in the Holy Spirit. I am writing this blog at 3:19 a.m. on Monday morning, but the blessing came on "The Lord's Day, Sunday morning." It would have never came without the 21 day fast. Why? Because the fast humbled my spirit so that I could clearly hear God's voice; within a humbled soul is peace, quietness, and serenity. The 21 day fast positioned me outside of other voices and influences in my life. In my 21 day fast, I set my mind to gain spiritual understanding, and humbled myself before my God. Your fast is a sacrifice of comfort, desire, pleasure, intimacy, and relationships. Your fast is your seed; His blessings is your harvest! Bet you are curious to know what it is, aren't you? You would like to know what the blessing is don't you? OK. It was a spiritual gift; it is a gift that the Holy Spirit told me about years ago, but I placed it on a shelf because I didn't believe. But this week, the Holy Spirit taught me the meaning and purpose for the gift; He taught me how to use it in faith. What does it mean? Remember, it is your spiritual gifts that make room for your ministry; spiritual gifts solve spiritual problems for others. Now I can solve a different kind of problem; God has added value to my ministry. As you continue to fast and pray, expect the Spirit of God to talk to you about your life; just accept the fact that you should only want what God wants for you. That's me; I only want what God wants for me. Death has come to flesh; everything I had I now count it a loss for the excellency of gaining Christ. Never will I be compelled to turn back to the way I lived before the 21 day fast. I finally understand what the Apostle Paul meant when he said, " I have been crucified with Christ, now it's Christ who lives in me." God truly wants to take you to a new level of faith; these are not empty words or cute slogans, they are birth in the mind of God for your encouragement and hope. Working earlier in the Dashboard, I wrote words that were Revelation to me as I wrote them. Clearly these words are Holy Spirit lead, because they are scriptural. I wrote about the natural aspect of the Christian mind verses the spiritual aspect of the Christian mind. I stated that the natural mind will filter out the voice God while He is speaking. Why? Because the natural mind don't want to do what God says, but the spiritual mind is hungry to hear the voice of its creator. Death to the natural mind is key to hearing the voice of God and operating in a new dimension of faith. This week's blog will be about the power you can expect from the fast; I haven't yet talked about it, but it is the after effects of fasting and praying for a long period of time. I'll be praying this week for the power of the Holy Spirit to be strong in your life.

Saturday, January 15, 2011

Day 13 of my 21 Day fast

This is the day that the Lord has made, let us rejoice and be glad in it! I finished reading two new testament books of the bible this week in devotional time. I am amazed at the level of retention. Time in the Secret Place has created a hunger for the Word of God. Late into the evening, I find myself drawn to finish the book of John. The realization of our miracle will always be based on the Word of God. Beside, God has promised me a greater blessing, and I want to be keenly discerning as I position myself to receive exceedingly and abundantly more than I asked or expected. Remember, God has no respect of person, what he does for us, He will do for others who call on His Name. If you have gotten your answer in the fast-rejoice! I say again, REJOICE! Because Daniel didn't get his answer until the 21 days of fasting was complete. Say these words, "I am highly favored of the Lord!" Indeed, you are highly favored. Recite these words to yourself in moments of despair; God loves you. Our Lord and Savior has exhorted you to the Father; your Heavenly Father knows you by name. Whatever you need from the Lord, believe and you will receive! We have about a week left in the fast; prepare yourself for a life changing experience next week.

Friday, January 14, 2011

Day 12 of my 21 day fast

Today was spent mostly in reflection; maintaining discipline of prayer & personal bible reading. It has been an incredible week of revelation for me. I found myself reflecting on all of the different types of fast that are going around, especially taken from the Internet. I am thankful for the awesome tool of the Information Super Highway, but we can't use it for our primary source, when it comes to spiritual things. I have seen different types of the Daniel fast that seem more like a simple diet to lose weight, rather than having any spiritual value. Allow me to set the context of the fast that Daniel did in Chapter 10:3 The Babylonian King invaded Jerusalem, destroyed the temple of God, took all of its precious artifacts, and Daniel alone with the King and their families were deported to Babylon. Now Daniel is a prisoner in a gentile world. Force to adapt to a foreign culture and serve a foreign King. He prays for his sins and the sins of the nation; he is asking God to forgive their sins and restore the nation for His Name Sake. God gives Daniel a vision; he couldn't understand it, but he was perplexed about the implications. So he was deeply sorrowful and seek to understand its meaning. Lets pause for a moment! Think about the context. QUESTION: How would he have felt? What would be his attitude in the fast? Lets add to the equation the fact that he wasn't motivated to take a bath for 21 days. The text reads, I ate no choice food (desirable food), no meat or wine touched my lips; and I used no lotion (a form of bathing) "at all" until the three weeks were over. Daniel 10:3. This was clearly a Job moment for Daniel; he was exiled in Babylon and he gets a vision that God's holy people will suffer greatly for many more years before they are returned. You might be thinking what is the point of the point? Simply this: The Daniel fast accomplished a few things: (1) It set his mind to gain spiritual understanding (2) It humbled him before God (3) It compelled God to respond to his faith and humility. Bottom Line: No matter how you are fasting, it should accomplish those few things. If it doesn't, you are doing it wrong! Fasting, no matter how it is done, afflicts the human body; breaks down the human spirit, and leaves us with the right posture to approach God with our greatest needs.

Thursday, January 13, 2011

Day 11 of my 21 day fast

Therefore, I urge you brothers/sisters, in view of God's mercy, that you offer your bodies as living sacrifices, holy and pleasing to God- this is your spiritual act of worship. Roman 12:1 This was a bitter/sweet day. It was bitter because I have loss about 10 pounds and I was extremely weak; I have restricted myself to a all natural diet without salt or sweeteners, and processed foods. The results: everything I eat taste bland, and my appetite don't like bland! So, I loss a lot of weight fast! I am back to my old body weight that I hate-Amen! I am experiencing radiating pains down my back-normal for long periods of fasting. Factor this into a workday and you can imagine the rest. BUT GOD! The sweet is the worship and personal bible reading this morning; the sweet is the sacrifice of worship in His presence through the pain. The sweet is that I wouldn't have accomplished half of what I accomplished today if it wasn't for His prompting. The sweet is the final answer to my prayers came today-Amen! And no I didn't shout, scream, or holler! Once again I fell to my knees out of obedience and pledged to do His will and not minds. And having an analytical mind, I asked the Lord, can I end the fast now! I had a moment of weakness-the flesh. But the Lord said No! He said: I got my answer, but I haven't gotten the blessing! When I get it- I will forever be changed! If you are still waiting for your answer-wait in His presence. Psalms 27: 14 Wait on the Lord: Be of good courage, and He will strengthen your hand. Besides, getting what you want does not mean that's all God has for you-comfort yourself with that!

Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Day 10 of my spiritual Fast

"Be still and know that I am God." Psalms 46:10. Today was a day of listening to the Holy Spirit of God; I didn't say much nor was I impress to do so. Why? Because I got a Word from the Lord about an area of prayer. Out of the still of my quietness, the Lord spoke into my life. It wasn't dramatic or drawn out, but He spoke with authority and power! Because of fasting and praying, I was especially sensitive to His presence and responded with "pure" humility. "What is your command Lord." I was astounded at the fact that I responded like the Apostle Paul did on the road to Damascus or like the prophets of old who had an undeniable encounter with Elohim. I was awe struck by the fact that every fiber of my being knew that it was a conversation between the creation & the CREATOR. I have waited with anticipation for a Word of any kind in relation to the purpose of my fast, and today was that day. But, what I heard wasn't what I expected; His Command wasn't what I anticipated, and rather than rejoicing in my flesh, I was humbled to the core of my spirit. I humbly ask the Lord to clarify His command, and again with authority and power he repeated the command. Clearly wasn't on my radar screen, but exactly what I needed. What should you take from my supernatural encounter? nothing! This one was strictly for me. But, if I might humbly make a suggestion, whatever answer you're seeking from our Lord, better ensure that it is Christ Centered and not Self Centered. Because if it is self centered, when He does speak, it will clearly bring you to your knees!

Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Day 9 of my spiritual fast!

Focus...focus...focus; keep your focus. Fasting for long or short periods of time isn't without challenges. You're dealing with hunger pains, loss of weight, weaken strength, and temptation to take short cuts or bailout all together. I had to fight distractions again today. This time they are of my making. I found myself looking forward to the day when it is all over, so I can return to chicken fried rice and all of the unhealthy food I crave. Don't get me wrong, I am not about to quite or turn back. But, failing to keep my focus on the fast and allowing myself to crave food and count the remaining days is pure torture. Learn from my weakest, don't!! You must keep your head in the GAME! Don't allow your mind to wonder; it might seem all right at the moment, but it is counter productive. Your enemy the Devil has a sense about what is taking place in the spiritual realm; if he senses a breakthrough coming your way, he will dispatch the hounds of hell to head you off; he will try mind games to miss direct your attention or distract you away from your primary objective. Don't be mad with him, that's his J.O.B. Don't be distracted for even a moment. Your miracle has already left the heavenly realm; it is on its way to a destination predetermined by God. Wait before the Lord for the date, time, and location of your miracle. If the Devil thinks it is worth his time to attack you now, he must think that the miracle is HUGE! Remember, your enemies can't redirect your miracle, but if you allow them, they will redirect you away from it.

Monday, January 10, 2011

Day 8 of my 21 Day fast

The Name of The Lord Is a Strong Tower. God wants to bless us so royally that He is using a day of in climate weather to create memorable moments with Him in your secret place of prayer. You can linger or dwell in His presence longer than you normally would because, if you are like me, trapped inside your house! I live on a hill, my driveway is covered with frozen ice, and I don't drive a 4x4 vehicle. So I am drawn into the Secret Place; I am drawn into his presence. God has scheduled a miracle for all who seeks Him out. Bow down before Him! Worship Christ our Lord; His Name is truly a strong tower, where the righteous can run to and be safe. If you truly bow down, He will truly lift you up. If you are tired and weary; if you are stressed and worried, give it all to the Lord. Excuse my preaching: The 2ND week of a spiritual fast will elevate your focus on things above & not things below. The 2ND week of your fast will automatically cause you to see clearer through eyes of faith. So if you begin to preach to everyone around you about the things of God, its only because your inner spirit has grown stronger than your flesh (natural mind); it's because you have grown closer to God-celebrate it! You can follow me this week in the dashboard; I will share with you what God is showing me in the spiritual realm. I believe that this will help you interpret what God is showing you in the spiritual realm. See you there!

Day 7 of fasting and praying

Day 7 started out great, but ended not so great. Day 7 was a day of worship, fellowship with friends and worshippers, and wishful expectations about the weather. But, I forgot an important fact about the use of certain medication while fasting. The results of that error was hours on my knees staring into the bottom of my commode. I had nausea in a major way. But, thanks be to God, I learned my lesson. So, learn from my mistake: If you're taking prescribed medication on a daily basis, make sure that you fully understand the impact of taking the medication during a period of fasting. It can be easily overlooked, as I recently learned, but the penalty can be extremely painful. In short, a lack of wisdom on my part, prevented me from enjoying day 7 (The Lord's Day) to its fullness. Nevertheless, all wasn't lost! Because of spiritual discipline, I entered the Secret of the Most High before Church and enjoyed His presence, enjoyed His presence at Church, and learned a valuable lesson and paid a painful price. Beside, I will never make that mistake again and I plan to live a long time!

Saturday, January 8, 2011

Day 6 of my 21 Day Fast.

Today was a balanced day. I had time to pray, and personal study. Then later I went out for personal business. There continues to be an increase sensitivity to the Holy Spirit through out the day. I have always purposed to be sensitive to His presence, but a spiritual fast heightens your sensitivity to God's presence. This is really what you want! If nothing else different happens for the remaining of my 21 day fast, I will operate spiritually in a new dimension. The wisdom of God will flow very easily in my life. My response to God's will increases exponentially, and I will be a happier person. Unfortunately, the more my life returns to its normal routine after the fast, the less the sensitivity of His presence will be. Bomber!! Therefore, celebrate the change you are experiencing during your spiritual fast. Remember, if you're during a spiritual fast, with bible study and prayer, you are more like Jesus this week than you were last week.

Day 5 of my 21 Day Fast

Can't speak for Daniel from the book of Daniel, but it would be great if I didn't have any other responsibilities for 21 Days but to seek God. But, distractions - distractions - distractions. Life is full of distractions. You know, that just might be the point. That is, when you're seeking God with your whole heart, you must by an act of your on will reduce the number of distractions that will clearly break your focus on God. I think so! The burden of responsibility rest with us to seek God during a period of fasting and prayer. Isn't that why we endeavored to fast? So God's responsibility is mostly to watch and hopefully admire the faithfulness of His children as they practice abstinence in major areas of their life in seeking Him. Day 5 went so fast that I'm going to call it a "blur." The only notable exception was my time in quiet solitude with God. Seriously, if it wasn't for placing God on the front-end of this day, I am absolutely sure that this day would have been stressful.

Friday, January 7, 2011

Day 4 of my 21 Day Fast.

Remember, there is always opposition to your blessings. We know that the Devil is your enemy and he makes no qualms about it. People in your inner circle can be a serious hindrance to your relationship with God. But the biggest opposition can be ourselves. For example, I am fasting for a specific answer and for godly wisdom to handle personal issues. Today God gave me an opportunity to display His wisdom in an area that I am specifically praying about, and I blew it big time! I have watched that moment a thousand times in replay and I got one word to say-ROOKIE! Therefore, learn from my painful mistake. God will test your resolve in the areas you have identified as your greatest need, and if you haven't truly humbled yourself, you will flunk the test-I did! Bottom line, fasting is just as much about humility as it is about your blessing. Remember, we look at fasting from one perspective and God is looking at it from another. From His perspective, you ain't getting a thing unless you humble yourself before him. Thank God I have 17 more days to get it right!

Thursday, January 6, 2011

Fight the good fight!

Day 3 Rocked! I created a memorable moment today! This was the 1st time of my 21 Day fast. The first two days were a bit challenging. The headaches and distractions was a drag on me spiritually. But I am no rookie to this journey. That's why I chose to share it with you. Remember, the race is not given to the swift nor the strong, but to him/her who finishes the race. It is my hope and prayer that you finish with me. Much more than I, God wants to release the blessing heaven has stored up for you. Don't cancel your heavenly blessing. Stay with me on the journey. Everyday gets better and better. Let me share with you a golden link to your blessing in this fast. Daniel didn't get the answer he seek until his 21 day fast was over! Therefore, keep fighting the good fight of faith! Amazingly, during a fast the real battle isn't with the Devil, but with ourselves. We yield to temptation because our flesh is weak, hungry and tired! But, remember what our Lord did in the Wilderness for 40 Days & Nights while fasting, He didn't yield to the temptation of Satan (Devil). He stood un-apologetically on the Word of God. Remember what the Word of God says about you: you are the head and not the tail; you are above and not below. Now fix your eyes on the prize waiting for you on the other side of this fast and go for it in Jesus Name!

Wednesday, January 5, 2011

Day 2 of fasting & prayer

Don't be dismayed by headaches and pains; don't let yourself talk you out of the fast. Your flesh don't want to fast; it wants you to continue stuffing fats, sugar, pork, and everything else you can eat down your throat. Day 2 of your fast is when you resolve to go all the way! If you're doing the 21 day fast as I am; you have discovered what your menu will be for the next three weeks. If you are doing the Daniel fast, you can't eat anything other than fruits, vegetables, nuts, dried fruits and things like that. Water is the only beverage you can have. You might be tempted to alter the menu. If you do, let it be for health reasons and not because you have talked yourself out of making the sacrifice you need to make for your spiritual breakthrough. The only reason you should be doing this fast with me is because you have identified your greatest needs and you are going to fast and pray to the Lord for his deliverance.

Tuesday, January 4, 2011

Day 1 of a 21 Day Fast

The first day of fasting can be disappointing if your expectations are to high and you haven't properly prepared. Our responsibilities don't change because we're fasting; our assignment don't change because we're fasting. We must purposely put the Lord on the front end of our day. When you rise up in the morning, find a quite place for at least 20 minutes strictly for prayer & study of the Word of God. You will learn painfully that if you don't purposely make God your agenda before everyone else, you will complete a day of fasting and still feel empty and discourage. Therefore, raise your expectation for a spiritual breakthrough during this fast. Write down your greatest needs and pray it through in Jesus Name!

Monday, January 3, 2011

Lord teach us how to pray!

In Luke 11:1-5, we have an account of a disciple waiting for the Lord to finish His prayer and made a simple, yet powerful request: Lord, teach us how to pray as John taught his disciples. He didn't ask Jesus to teach them how to work miracles or preach a sermon, he wanted the Lord teach them how to connect with God on a level that brings spiritual power and wisdom. The request suggests something you ought to consider; are you praying properly? Do you have the ability to access your heavenly Father? That disciple wasn't interested in an instruction manual, he wasn't interested in sounding prolific, he wanted results! Let's be real, the Christian life is far to serious for games; we have unshakable needs that require an unshakable God! When I pray, I want and need answers and God said, "call on me and I will show you things that you do not know ."Jeremiah 33:3. If you're going to live the life, why not live it right! If you're going to pray, why not approach God correctly. Jesus told us in Luke's Gospel exactly how to approach God and get what you want; he gave us the road map-follow it! Don't allow yourself to believe that there is another way-WRONG! When Jesus speaks you better listen-he is the Word of God. And the Word of God is profitable and not one word is wasted. Jesus taught a simple formula you can use when you pray: 1) Praise 2) Priorities 3) Provision 4) Pardon and 5) Protection. I call them the 5 p's of prayer. It go's like this; approach God with praise on your lips; approach him with your priorities straight-His interest always supersede yours: "His Kingdom come; His will be done." Recognize Him as your true provision and resource for every need you have. Remember, God read minds, He has X-ray vision, He can leap tall buildings in a single bound, so we can't pull anything on Him. Therefore ask Him to pardon your sins. If you have any, you can bet you last buck He already knows. So don't offend the creator-only spiritual rookies still try that lame approach. Lastly, ask God to protect you from the sins that you are attracted too; I like to say, there is a sin with your name on it! If we're going to live a righteous life, we will need the creator help and protection; His name is Jesus!