Sunday, October 31, 2010

Win, Build, Send

If I were going to join a church either as a member or staff minister, I would ask two critical questions: What is the reason for that church's existence; what is the purpose for that church being located where it is and why? The second question: What does that church intend do? If that church know it's purpose, I would like to know what the leadership intend to do about its purpose for existing. The answer to those two questions will determine whether or not that church is a spiritaul fit for me. Every Church needs a mission; every church needs to know its purpose and be busy doing what it was intended to do! What's the big deal about those two questions? The big deal is that you were also created for purpose; the big deal is that you were created to be a solution to a problem. And when you find a group of believers interested in solving the same problems you are, you have found a spiritual fit. You have successfully found a group of believers who know there purpose. The big deal is that you have found a spiritual fit and your destiny is settled! I want to be a spiritual solution for lost people to God! I want to win lost people to God; I want to build them up in there faith, and I want to equip them and send them out to be a light in a dark world.

Monday, October 25, 2010

Intimate Moments with God

Intimacy is a most desirable emotional feeling; we all want it! Intimacy with a soul mate is the reason why we pledge our loyality and life to one person in marriage. The bi-product of intimacy is new birth; intimate moments with the one we love often results with new birth (kids). In the same manner, intimacy with God should be a most desirable emotional feeling. In his presence, we change: we talk differently; we act differently. Only in His presence will the best part of you emerge! When you are in that place, you will hear what you have never heard before; you will discover what you have never known, and you will become what you always wanted to become. Therefore, make intmate moments with God your daily agenda. You may only have a few precious moments a day-use them wisely. You will never regret it. Infact, the fruit of those moments will make you crave for more time with Him. Why? Because you will discover that the change taking place in your life is what you really want-new birth!

Sunday, October 17, 2010

Tried, Tested, & Triumphant!

Job was an extraordinary person; the bible describes him as a man who was blameless before God. This was a man in whom God found no fault-from a human perspective. Yet, God allowed this righteous man to experience enormous human suffering: He was striped financially, all of his children were killed, and his health failed! A lesser believer would have given up the ghost; would have thrown in the towel, but not Job-this man fell on his face and worshipped God. He declared these words: "If he (God) slay me, yet will I serve Him!" Say what you want about Job, but he's the MAN! The lesson we should learn from this man's suffering is that God will allow suffering to invade what we might call, our normal lives. But, know what Job knew. It is only a test! Just like every other test we will take; we will either past or fail. Job past the test and God restored everything-even gave him double for his trouble. Therefore, when you are tried and tested, determine that you will be triumphant. Job did it, and all he had in his arsenal was faith that God can and will turn his captivity.