Saturday, January 22, 2011

Day 19 of my 21 day fast

Standing on the bank of the Jordan River; looking over into the Land of Promise! Just a few days before crossing the river into a new season- a transformation. Recognizing that everything God has promised is waiting across the divide; having 2nd sight allows vision and line of sight to the promise. How glorious are the promises of God. They never fade, rust, or can be stolen. I can see so clearly the majestic of the Lord. The Holy Spirit has educated me about the promise, now I don't see it as something to gain, but rather something to become. I think I have a little better understanding about how Moses felt, as he looked over into the Land of Promise as the chosen leader of the Hebrew people. God enabled him to see the realization of his faith; though he wasn't allow to enter into the promise land, he inherited the promise anyway-a better promise. Day 19 is the beginning of the big push toward the end. I refuse to end this fast with a whimper, but rather a BANG in the Holy Ghost! Extending my prayer and praise time; seeking to have my breakthrough to break forth! I can honestly say that I got my breakthrough about a week ago, but I have not allowed by breakthrough to break forth! Breaking forth is out of the box transformation; out of the box change. Change so evident that a child will discern it because of the anointing of the Spirit. I know that I have been sounding Hyper Spiritual lately, but I seriously can't help it. I have read through the 4 New Testament Gospels, prayed fervently daily, and praised my God with my whole heart. I am simply full of God! I am more like my Savior today than I have ever been. This 21 day fast was for me; I invited the church to join me in this journey toward transformation. Why? Because to whom much is given, much is required. The heavenly UPS truck has scheduled an enormous blessing to be delivered at my designation. Why? Obedience! God told me during the Christmas holidays that I would need to fast in order to get what I seek. My mother told me I was born at night, but not last night. When God speaks to you about a matter with clarity and purpose, you position yourself to hear what the Spirit has to say, without exception. Remember, nothing in all of eternity is more important that the whispers of God about your life. When you get these Holy Ghost Whispers, they alert Satan; just as there are Angels assigned to you at certain seasons in your life, so are there demons assigned to you at certain seasons of your life. For example, a spiritual breakthrough will always get their attention. In order for you to walk in victory and the power of God, Demon powers and influences must be pushed back, and if they can prevent you from obtaining the victory and power promised by God in His word, rest assured, they will.

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