Monday, January 10, 2011

Day 7 of fasting and praying

Day 7 started out great, but ended not so great. Day 7 was a day of worship, fellowship with friends and worshippers, and wishful expectations about the weather. But, I forgot an important fact about the use of certain medication while fasting. The results of that error was hours on my knees staring into the bottom of my commode. I had nausea in a major way. But, thanks be to God, I learned my lesson. So, learn from my mistake: If you're taking prescribed medication on a daily basis, make sure that you fully understand the impact of taking the medication during a period of fasting. It can be easily overlooked, as I recently learned, but the penalty can be extremely painful. In short, a lack of wisdom on my part, prevented me from enjoying day 7 (The Lord's Day) to its fullness. Nevertheless, all wasn't lost! Because of spiritual discipline, I entered the Secret of the Most High before Church and enjoyed His presence, enjoyed His presence at Church, and learned a valuable lesson and paid a painful price. Beside, I will never make that mistake again and I plan to live a long time!

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