Monday, March 14, 2011


Christians have grossly underestimated the value of there relationship with the Creator; we know how to take advantage of our relationship with political people, celebrities, business people and so on, but we under estimate the value of our union with Christ! There are so many benefits to being Christian: We are blessed and heaven bound; we are not perfect, but forgiven. The most tangible value of our union with Christ are the Gifts of the Spirit. God has generously lavished on believers spiritual gifts. Most of us have received at least one lavished gift from someone we know personally, but natural gifts, though great, don't whole a candle to spiritual gifts. Sadly, most Christians treat spiritual gifts the same way they treat unwanted gifts. We lay aside unwanted gifts; we appreciate the thought and gesture for the gift, but we find unwanted gifts irrelevant to the moment or mission of our lives. But that's WRONG! Spiritual gifts are the mother-load of gifts. these gifts keep on giving! God wouldn't have given them to you if they would be useless; He wouldn't have presented them to the Church if there purpose would soon become irrelevant. In the Pauline letters of the New Testament, we learn a great deal about these gifts; we know that they are "favored" gifts. That means that God so favored Christians, that He gave them lavished gifts they didn't deserve, and we all know that favor isn't fair! The New Testament identifies 20 different spiritual gifts that God has given to empower believers. Bottom line, it is time for you to unwrap your spiritual gifts and discover there powers. So go ahead and remove the Bow and Ribbons; tear away the wrapping and start using the gifts God favored you with! And remember, the value of spiritual gifts transcend the present, because they are the only gifts on earth that has eternal value! Lastly, you can go back to our homepage and take an assessment designed to help you discover your spiritual gift, and you should attend the upcoming workshop on spiritual gifts discovery, starting on Sunday morning, March 20, 2011. For further information, visit our website.

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