Sunday, January 23, 2011

Day 20 my 21 day fast

Day 20 and counting; I am in the home stretch. Within the next 24 hours, the fast will be complete. Because of mental and spiritual discipline, I was able to achieve by faith what I couldn't have achieved otherwise. Point of fact: There are mountains we will face that will not move without the help of God and the authority of His Word. But, there are mountains that Jesus said that we can move on our on because of our faith. Endurance teaches perseverance, and perseverance is a friend to our hope. I began this fast with the faith to believe that God would invade my life in a supernatural manner within the period of my fast. And I hoped that my faith wouldn't fail me, and I wasn't disappointed! The greatest lesson learned over the last few weeks is that I wasn't as humble as I thought, and evening after a miraculous change in the level of humility in my life, I am still not there. The flesh is a mess! Paul wrote about the battle between these 2 prevailing forces in our lives; the flesh waring against the spirit and the spirit against the flesh. Paul wrote that we will struggle spiritually because these two powerful forces are at different ends of the spectrum. One wants to obey the will of God at all times, and the other one wants do what feels go. Today, my flesh is under the dominion of my (human) spirit and my spirit is actively listening to the Holy Spirit of God. I only pray that I may be able to walk in His divine order for many seasons after the fast. Admittedly, a 21 day fast is a tremendous challenge to your life on many different levels. If you have gone the distance with me, congratulation on an extraordinary journey toward God. May the seed you planted in the fast bear you fruit for many seasons to come!

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