Monday, January 3, 2011

Lord teach us how to pray!

In Luke 11:1-5, we have an account of a disciple waiting for the Lord to finish His prayer and made a simple, yet powerful request: Lord, teach us how to pray as John taught his disciples. He didn't ask Jesus to teach them how to work miracles or preach a sermon, he wanted the Lord teach them how to connect with God on a level that brings spiritual power and wisdom. The request suggests something you ought to consider; are you praying properly? Do you have the ability to access your heavenly Father? That disciple wasn't interested in an instruction manual, he wasn't interested in sounding prolific, he wanted results! Let's be real, the Christian life is far to serious for games; we have unshakable needs that require an unshakable God! When I pray, I want and need answers and God said, "call on me and I will show you things that you do not know ."Jeremiah 33:3. If you're going to live the life, why not live it right! If you're going to pray, why not approach God correctly. Jesus told us in Luke's Gospel exactly how to approach God and get what you want; he gave us the road map-follow it! Don't allow yourself to believe that there is another way-WRONG! When Jesus speaks you better listen-he is the Word of God. And the Word of God is profitable and not one word is wasted. Jesus taught a simple formula you can use when you pray: 1) Praise 2) Priorities 3) Provision 4) Pardon and 5) Protection. I call them the 5 p's of prayer. It go's like this; approach God with praise on your lips; approach him with your priorities straight-His interest always supersede yours: "His Kingdom come; His will be done." Recognize Him as your true provision and resource for every need you have. Remember, God read minds, He has X-ray vision, He can leap tall buildings in a single bound, so we can't pull anything on Him. Therefore ask Him to pardon your sins. If you have any, you can bet you last buck He already knows. So don't offend the creator-only spiritual rookies still try that lame approach. Lastly, ask God to protect you from the sins that you are attracted too; I like to say, there is a sin with your name on it! If we're going to live a righteous life, we will need the creator help and protection; His name is Jesus!

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