Monday, December 6, 2010

The Spirit of the Holidays

"It's the most wonderful time of the year!" Seriously! Christmas is the most wonderful time of the year. The spirit of Christmas is contagious; people are kinder, gentler, and joyous during the holiday season. Even crepty people can find the opportunity to smile. The spirit of the holidays is a powerful opportunity to reconcile important relationships, say you're sorry about something you did in a moment of foolishness. We are generally more forgiving during the Christmas Season. Why not make the most of every opportunity to strenghten the bonds of fellowship you have with people in your inner circle. You will need them from time to time. Don't allow spiritual darkness to cloud your witness to fact that Jesus is the reason for the season. We don't deny problems on the home front or trouble lurking at the door. Nevertheless, we refuse to lose site on "The Christ", and the wonderful Gift God gave to the world in sending a Savior. Make no mistake, the world needs a Savior and Christ is it! Therefore, be joyous always; this is God's will for you this holiday season.

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