Thursday, April 8, 2010

The Power of Easter

The power of Easter wasn't what we did, but what Jesus did. Those who plotted to kill Jesus felt pretty cocky when they nailed him to the cross. But, their mission wasn't complete. They needed him in the tomb for more than three days. Why? Because, Jesus said he would be raised in three days. If he came out of the tomb alive in three days, He would truly be the son of God. If He came out of the tomb in three days, those who plotted to kill him murdered the son of God. There was a considerable amount of time, energy, and money spent to ensure that he never rose again. But, He was truly the son of God! The tomb couldn't hold him; death couldn't handle him. Therefore, fear not! He rose with all power in heaven and on the earth. He promised each of us that we can experience the power of Easter every single day. Just have faith!

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