Monday, January 17, 2011

Day 14 of my 21 day fast

Glory to God in the Highest! I got it today! I got the blessing God promised me beyond my on request in the fast! Rejoice with me in the Holy Spirit. I am writing this blog at 3:19 a.m. on Monday morning, but the blessing came on "The Lord's Day, Sunday morning." It would have never came without the 21 day fast. Why? Because the fast humbled my spirit so that I could clearly hear God's voice; within a humbled soul is peace, quietness, and serenity. The 21 day fast positioned me outside of other voices and influences in my life. In my 21 day fast, I set my mind to gain spiritual understanding, and humbled myself before my God. Your fast is a sacrifice of comfort, desire, pleasure, intimacy, and relationships. Your fast is your seed; His blessings is your harvest! Bet you are curious to know what it is, aren't you? You would like to know what the blessing is don't you? OK. It was a spiritual gift; it is a gift that the Holy Spirit told me about years ago, but I placed it on a shelf because I didn't believe. But this week, the Holy Spirit taught me the meaning and purpose for the gift; He taught me how to use it in faith. What does it mean? Remember, it is your spiritual gifts that make room for your ministry; spiritual gifts solve spiritual problems for others. Now I can solve a different kind of problem; God has added value to my ministry. As you continue to fast and pray, expect the Spirit of God to talk to you about your life; just accept the fact that you should only want what God wants for you. That's me; I only want what God wants for me. Death has come to flesh; everything I had I now count it a loss for the excellency of gaining Christ. Never will I be compelled to turn back to the way I lived before the 21 day fast. I finally understand what the Apostle Paul meant when he said, " I have been crucified with Christ, now it's Christ who lives in me." God truly wants to take you to a new level of faith; these are not empty words or cute slogans, they are birth in the mind of God for your encouragement and hope. Working earlier in the Dashboard, I wrote words that were Revelation to me as I wrote them. Clearly these words are Holy Spirit lead, because they are scriptural. I wrote about the natural aspect of the Christian mind verses the spiritual aspect of the Christian mind. I stated that the natural mind will filter out the voice God while He is speaking. Why? Because the natural mind don't want to do what God says, but the spiritual mind is hungry to hear the voice of its creator. Death to the natural mind is key to hearing the voice of God and operating in a new dimension of faith. This week's blog will be about the power you can expect from the fast; I haven't yet talked about it, but it is the after effects of fasting and praying for a long period of time. I'll be praying this week for the power of the Holy Spirit to be strong in your life.

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