Sunday, November 28, 2010
360 Degree Stewardship-updated!
What's the beef about this principle? Why should anyone practice it? Great questions. It's only a big deal if you're a Christian. Christians will ultimately stand face to face with the living God, and he will judge us on how well we managed all that we have and all that we are. Failure isn't an option and why should it be? Why would we want to stand before our God and say that we have purposefully and willfully squandered all that has been entrusted to us on ourselves? Why should we want to utter words like, we didn't try to grow financially or grow spiritually or add value to lives of others? Can't speak for you, but I don't roll that way! I am only interested in hearing two words: Well done! Remember, you were created for multiplication and it's not as hard as you think. We do it all the time; why not learn to do it intentionally? Why not put to practice a principle that is guaranteed to increase you in every area of your life? Becoming a 360 steward is the ability to effectively multiply. Why should anyone practice it? Whether a person is a Christian or not, successful people have these characteristics. They don't like to waste their time, energy, or money, so why should we? They do it to live on a level far above ordinary people. They do it to feel confident and self controlled. They do it because winning just feels good! Christians do it to be in the best possible position to influence the most people to know God, follow Jesus, and live a normal life. Bottom line-a 360 steward isn't limited to Christians; non Christians also use these principles, but only Christians can do it on a spiritual level.
Thursday, November 25, 2010
Happy Thanksgiving
I recently loss my oldest brother from alcoholism. Although I am thankful for my family and many friends, I would love to celebrate this year's Thanksgiving around the dinner table with my oldest brother. So celebrate this year's Thanksgiving with the people God has placed in your life regardless of the differences you might have with them. Tomorrow is not promised to any of us! You might be surprised to know that the differences you might have with the people in your life don't compare on any level with the possibility of never seeing them again.
Happy Thanksgiving
Happy Thanksgiving
Monday, November 22, 2010
360 Degree Stewardship
What is stewardship, and why should you care? Stewardship is the wise management of someone Else's assets. The reason you should care is because as a Christian you have been given a sacred trust. You have been given the responsibility to wisely and faithfully manage every aspect of your life for the glory of God. 360 Degree stewardship is the sum total of all that you are and all that you have! Everything that we have, every earthy asset-tangible and intangible is a heavenly resource. 360 degree stewardship is a Kingdom principle; the application of this principle is to wisely invest your time, money, health, mind, gift, and talent to add or multiply your life. In short, whatever you have in your hand, God wants you to multiple it. The successful application of this principle will keep you from going broke financially, ruining your health, and wasting you gifts, talents, and time. This is a principle of faith and possibility. Everyone wants to be a winner and not a loser. Unfortunately there are winners and losers in the Kingdom of God. Losers allow doubt, fear, and unbelief to keep them from practicing the 360 principle. Winners have influence and influence is needed to convince a lost world that Jesus is their solution. You will become a real life example for non-believers that following Jesus is the only winning Choice!
Monday, November 15, 2010
Putting God to the test!
Testing God is akin to tempting God and every mature believer know that you do not tempt God! But, there is one place is the bible where you can not only test God, but you are dared to do so! QUESTION: If you could give God a test would you? If you could test the integrity of his words or the certainty of his promises would you? I would! I would jump right on that one-and why not? In fact, I did jump at the opportunity; tithing is the test. It is the only acceptable area where we, his creation, can test the creator. What is tithing? Mathematically, tithing is a tenth part of the whole of something. Scripturally, tithing is a law of God. Economically, tithing is systematic giving of 10% of your annual income to the church where you belong. Spiritually, tithing demonstrates our ability to trust in God's provision. In Malachi 3:7-11, the word of the Lord came to the prophet Malachi to the people of God at that time. God charged them with defrauding him of the opportunity of blessing their crops, live stocks, and spiritual well being. When his people stopped tithing, God stopped the blessing. His command was simple; return the tithe and he would return the blessing. Are you putting God to the test? Don't pass up a golden opportunity to test creator, I didn't!
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