Wednesday, December 29, 2010
A penny for your thoughts
Thoughts are real and powerful; even though they can't be seen with the naked eye or measured with your hands they are very real! One of the most important things we can do to create the level of Joy, peace, and passion we want is to learn how to manage our thought life. You will become tomorrow what you're thinking today. 92% of what people worry about never happens or can't be controlled anyway. The apostle Paul gave believers a strong exhortation about managing their thought life: He Wrote, whatever things are true, whatever things are noble, whatever things are just, whatever thing are pure, whatever things are lovely, whatever things are of good report, if there is any virtue and if there is anything praiseworthy-meditate on these things. Philippians 4:8 Now let's hear the conclusion of the matter: what you do habitually you become permanently. Therefore, make it your daily habit of practicing the virtues Paul has given us; they will help you experience God on a totally different level!
Monday, December 13, 2010
The Santa who Stole Christmas
There he go again! I'm talking about Santa. This guy is slick; he can separate you from your money before you can say the words "Red Tag Sale." He only shows up on December 25th, the day after you have spent your tithe, rent money, and utility bill money to buy gifts that won't even last. Why is it that we get suckered each year. Don't we realize that the expense for Christmas was bought and paid for over 2000 years ago; don't we realize that Christmas isn't about what we can buy, but what's already paid for. There is a big difference between Santa and Jesus. With Santa, Christmas is about us and what we want; with Jesus, it about Him and how much He loves us; God so loved the world that he freely gave us the most precious Gift in His son-the chance of Eternal Life! It's okay to express your love and affection for important people in your life with gifts and cards, but it's not okay to feel obligated to spend what you don't have or don't want to spend in order justify yourself during the holidays. If you're buying gifts to justify yourself-that is the spirit of Santa. But if you're buying gifts simply because you want to bless others with no strings attached and won't need to break your piggy bank to do it-that's the Spirit Christmas!
Monday, December 6, 2010
The Spirit of the Holidays
"It's the most wonderful time of the year!" Seriously! Christmas is the most wonderful time of the year. The spirit of Christmas is contagious; people are kinder, gentler, and joyous during the holiday season. Even crepty people can find the opportunity to smile. The spirit of the holidays is a powerful opportunity to reconcile important relationships, say you're sorry about something you did in a moment of foolishness. We are generally more forgiving during the Christmas Season. Why not make the most of every opportunity to strenghten the bonds of fellowship you have with people in your inner circle. You will need them from time to time. Don't allow spiritual darkness to cloud your witness to fact that Jesus is the reason for the season. We don't deny problems on the home front or trouble lurking at the door. Nevertheless, we refuse to lose site on "The Christ", and the wonderful Gift God gave to the world in sending a Savior. Make no mistake, the world needs a Savior and Christ is it! Therefore, be joyous always; this is God's will for you this holiday season.
Sunday, November 28, 2010
360 Degree Stewardship-updated!
What's the beef about this principle? Why should anyone practice it? Great questions. It's only a big deal if you're a Christian. Christians will ultimately stand face to face with the living God, and he will judge us on how well we managed all that we have and all that we are. Failure isn't an option and why should it be? Why would we want to stand before our God and say that we have purposefully and willfully squandered all that has been entrusted to us on ourselves? Why should we want to utter words like, we didn't try to grow financially or grow spiritually or add value to lives of others? Can't speak for you, but I don't roll that way! I am only interested in hearing two words: Well done! Remember, you were created for multiplication and it's not as hard as you think. We do it all the time; why not learn to do it intentionally? Why not put to practice a principle that is guaranteed to increase you in every area of your life? Becoming a 360 steward is the ability to effectively multiply. Why should anyone practice it? Whether a person is a Christian or not, successful people have these characteristics. They don't like to waste their time, energy, or money, so why should we? They do it to live on a level far above ordinary people. They do it to feel confident and self controlled. They do it because winning just feels good! Christians do it to be in the best possible position to influence the most people to know God, follow Jesus, and live a normal life. Bottom line-a 360 steward isn't limited to Christians; non Christians also use these principles, but only Christians can do it on a spiritual level.
Thursday, November 25, 2010
Happy Thanksgiving
I recently loss my oldest brother from alcoholism. Although I am thankful for my family and many friends, I would love to celebrate this year's Thanksgiving around the dinner table with my oldest brother. So celebrate this year's Thanksgiving with the people God has placed in your life regardless of the differences you might have with them. Tomorrow is not promised to any of us! You might be surprised to know that the differences you might have with the people in your life don't compare on any level with the possibility of never seeing them again.
Happy Thanksgiving
Happy Thanksgiving
Monday, November 22, 2010
360 Degree Stewardship
What is stewardship, and why should you care? Stewardship is the wise management of someone Else's assets. The reason you should care is because as a Christian you have been given a sacred trust. You have been given the responsibility to wisely and faithfully manage every aspect of your life for the glory of God. 360 Degree stewardship is the sum total of all that you are and all that you have! Everything that we have, every earthy asset-tangible and intangible is a heavenly resource. 360 degree stewardship is a Kingdom principle; the application of this principle is to wisely invest your time, money, health, mind, gift, and talent to add or multiply your life. In short, whatever you have in your hand, God wants you to multiple it. The successful application of this principle will keep you from going broke financially, ruining your health, and wasting you gifts, talents, and time. This is a principle of faith and possibility. Everyone wants to be a winner and not a loser. Unfortunately there are winners and losers in the Kingdom of God. Losers allow doubt, fear, and unbelief to keep them from practicing the 360 principle. Winners have influence and influence is needed to convince a lost world that Jesus is their solution. You will become a real life example for non-believers that following Jesus is the only winning Choice!
Monday, November 15, 2010
Putting God to the test!
Testing God is akin to tempting God and every mature believer know that you do not tempt God! But, there is one place is the bible where you can not only test God, but you are dared to do so! QUESTION: If you could give God a test would you? If you could test the integrity of his words or the certainty of his promises would you? I would! I would jump right on that one-and why not? In fact, I did jump at the opportunity; tithing is the test. It is the only acceptable area where we, his creation, can test the creator. What is tithing? Mathematically, tithing is a tenth part of the whole of something. Scripturally, tithing is a law of God. Economically, tithing is systematic giving of 10% of your annual income to the church where you belong. Spiritually, tithing demonstrates our ability to trust in God's provision. In Malachi 3:7-11, the word of the Lord came to the prophet Malachi to the people of God at that time. God charged them with defrauding him of the opportunity of blessing their crops, live stocks, and spiritual well being. When his people stopped tithing, God stopped the blessing. His command was simple; return the tithe and he would return the blessing. Are you putting God to the test? Don't pass up a golden opportunity to test creator, I didn't!
Sunday, October 31, 2010
Win, Build, Send
If I were going to join a church either as a member or staff minister, I would ask two critical questions: What is the reason for that church's existence; what is the purpose for that church being located where it is and why? The second question: What does that church intend do? If that church know it's purpose, I would like to know what the leadership intend to do about its purpose for existing. The answer to those two questions will determine whether or not that church is a spiritaul fit for me. Every Church needs a mission; every church needs to know its purpose and be busy doing what it was intended to do! What's the big deal about those two questions? The big deal is that you were also created for purpose; the big deal is that you were created to be a solution to a problem. And when you find a group of believers interested in solving the same problems you are, you have found a spiritual fit. You have successfully found a group of believers who know there purpose. The big deal is that you have found a spiritual fit and your destiny is settled! I want to be a spiritual solution for lost people to God! I want to win lost people to God; I want to build them up in there faith, and I want to equip them and send them out to be a light in a dark world.
Monday, October 25, 2010
Intimate Moments with God
Intimacy is a most desirable emotional feeling; we all want it! Intimacy with a soul mate is the reason why we pledge our loyality and life to one person in marriage. The bi-product of intimacy is new birth; intimate moments with the one we love often results with new birth (kids). In the same manner, intimacy with God should be a most desirable emotional feeling. In his presence, we change: we talk differently; we act differently. Only in His presence will the best part of you emerge! When you are in that place, you will hear what you have never heard before; you will discover what you have never known, and you will become what you always wanted to become. Therefore, make intmate moments with God your daily agenda. You may only have a few precious moments a day-use them wisely. You will never regret it. Infact, the fruit of those moments will make you crave for more time with Him. Why? Because you will discover that the change taking place in your life is what you really want-new birth!
Sunday, October 17, 2010
Tried, Tested, & Triumphant!
Job was an extraordinary person; the bible describes him as a man who was blameless before God. This was a man in whom God found no fault-from a human perspective. Yet, God allowed this righteous man to experience enormous human suffering: He was striped financially, all of his children were killed, and his health failed! A lesser believer would have given up the ghost; would have thrown in the towel, but not Job-this man fell on his face and worshipped God. He declared these words: "If he (God) slay me, yet will I serve Him!" Say what you want about Job, but he's the MAN! The lesson we should learn from this man's suffering is that God will allow suffering to invade what we might call, our normal lives. But, know what Job knew. It is only a test! Just like every other test we will take; we will either past or fail. Job past the test and God restored everything-even gave him double for his trouble. Therefore, when you are tried and tested, determine that you will be triumphant. Job did it, and all he had in his arsenal was faith that God can and will turn his captivity.
Saturday, September 25, 2010
The Second Baptism
Forty days after Jesus risen from the grave, he gave his followers a simple but imperative command: "Wait in the City of Jerusalem until you have received power from on high!" He further said, "John baptized you with water, but you shall be baptized with the Holy Spirit in a few days." From those instructions, it is easy to conclude that what he said was vital to the success of his followers. John's baptism, the first baptism, was important; water baptism is a statement on the outside about what has happened on the inside. But the second Baptism was vital; that is, the baptism of the Holy Spirit. This baptism is the evidence on the outside about what has happened on the inside. The statement on the outside is important; every believer should be baptized in water. The disciples did it; Jesus did it, and we should do it! But the second baptism is vital; the baptism in the Holy Spirit provides the enduring evidence on the outside about what has happened on the inside. Let's be real, the evidence trumps a statement any day!
Wednesday, August 18, 2010
Covenant Believers
A covenant is an agreement that establishes 3 important things: Boundaries of accountability, a circle of trust, and qualifies people for relationships. As a Christian, God is in covenant with you! Jesus Christ gave us tremendous access to God through His blood. His death on the cross paid the price and ramson for our sins. Now, we are reconciled as believers to God in Christ. Jesus gave us a "New Covenant" that qualifies us for relationship with God. This new covenant establishes a circle of trust with God that has no end date, and as long as we remain accountable to him for our actions, we can live in an atmosphere of favor! Therefore, exercise your divine authority to obtain the promise God made to you!
Sunday, August 1, 2010
Feeling Guilty?
Guilt is a feeling that can follow us around like our shadow. Think about it? Guilt is emotional baggage that we can't simply wish away, cover up, or hide. It must be remedied, resolved, or reconciled. When our actions bring about damage or injury to others-guilt is the consequence. Jesus taught that there are different degrees of guilt. He taught his followers that the true measure of guilt is found in the heart. In other words, our motives determine the degree of guilt God assigns to our actions. Occasionally, we are guilty of something or for something, but our motives are pure, that is admirable with God. The next step is simple: may it right with the people who are victims of what we have done. And if you are the victim and the guilty party won't make amends, decide how important it is to you for the guilty party to make amends. If it's not that important, forgive it! Otherwise, determine your options-you do have rights you know.
Tuesday, July 27, 2010
Become The Biggest Loser
Have you ever watched that reality show called the Biggest Loser? Wow! The motivation of the contestants must be incredible; being willing to allow millions of viewers watch, judge, criticize their motives and actions is inspiring. Bottom line, they wanted to lose weight-a lot of weight. The pain and frustration of being overweight out weights the pain and frustration of judgemental people watching by television. They want to become the biggest loser of weight. We can learn a lot from those contestants. There could be things in your life that you need to lose quick! You have endured the pain and frustration long enough. You're no longer a spiritual rookie-it's time to move on! Become the biggest loser of the things in your life that are so horrific that it's embarrassing to even think about. God's on your side-go for it!
Thursday, July 8, 2010
Adjust your focus
I recently bought a 35mm digital camera; it has an array of functionalities. I bought it for the ability to focus in on an object from a considerable distance to take a picture. Interestingly enough, we have the ability to focus in on situations just like that new camera I bought. Problem is that we can zoom in on life's problem, and make them larger than they really are. God's bigger and badder than any problem created or existed. Therefore, the next time you focus your attention on the problems in your life, remember not to focus your spiritual lens in away that blow the problem out of proportion. God is called, "The Almighty." The name implies absolute power over all things. The confidence for believers is faith in the testimony of the bible. God is a miracle worker, so don't adjust your spiritual lens to make your problems bigger than God!
Sunday, June 27, 2010
It matters
Being a servant has incredible opportunities; you have the ability to add value to the lives of other people, and that value added manages to ripple back to you. Nevertheless, being a servant can be difficult at times, especially when you're opposed by the very people you are trying to help. From time to time, you may wonder if it's worth it! Yes, it is worth it. Everything we do for God matters. Because God sees it, it matters! You matter to God; your faithfulness matters; your spiritual gift matters. Nothing you do for God is in vain. So the next time you feel that your contribution to others is irrelevant, remember- God saw it, so it really matters!
Sunday, June 20, 2010
Happy Father's Day
There are an exclusive group of men called Dad; they are to be recognized and honored for the significant role they play in the lives of so many children. God with His bare hands reached down from heaven into dirt and fashioned man, and he coded in man's DNA the ability to become Dads. Despite there masculinity and toughness, they have the ability to be kind and tender hearted. Being a good Dad isn't about being less of anything, it's about being more! Being more like Jesus and introducing the person of Jesus Christ to their families. There are all kinds of Dads, and to them all I say, "Happy Father's Day."
Tuesday, May 4, 2010
You can't fake this one!
Jesus taught his disciples a principle that can't be simulated or duplicated, it's the principle of humility. The only people who wish to possess this quality are the faithful. Want to test your level of humility? Answer these questions: Are you following Christ example of serving others? Are you serving others on a regular bases? On a personal level, do you really care? Jesus said that He didn't come to earth to be a celebrity, but to lift others up through servanthood! Jesus said that his followers are to follow His example. The command isn't optional; either we will or won't do it! If we do it-humility expresses itself in our deeds. If we won't do it- can't fake it. Then the answer to the test question is obvious. If we won't follow Christ example, how can we truly be Christian?
Thursday, April 8, 2010
The Power of Easter
The power of Easter wasn't what we did, but what Jesus did. Those who plotted to kill Jesus felt pretty cocky when they nailed him to the cross. But, their mission wasn't complete. They needed him in the tomb for more than three days. Why? Because, Jesus said he would be raised in three days. If he came out of the tomb alive in three days, He would truly be the son of God. If He came out of the tomb in three days, those who plotted to kill him murdered the son of God. There was a considerable amount of time, energy, and money spent to ensure that he never rose again. But, He was truly the son of God! The tomb couldn't hold him; death couldn't handle him. Therefore, fear not! He rose with all power in heaven and on the earth. He promised each of us that we can experience the power of Easter every single day. Just have faith!
Sunday, February 21, 2010
The Greatest Institution on the planet!
Yes. the institution of marriage is the greatest institution on the planet. It's been around longer than IBM, Aflac, Total Systems, and the great USA. This enduring institution has existed for thousands of years, and has given birth to some of the brightest, and religious minds the world has ever known. Admittedly, it has been given a bad rap by a few people- but this too shall pass! Our creator established this enduring institution from the very beginning. Why, because a soul mate completes us! Adam wasn't complete until Eve; Abraham wasn't complete until Sarah. Marriage is that method of completion; the proper soul mate must be willing to commit and pledge their heart in loyalty, to forsake all others for the sake of their happiness and fulfilment.
Wednesday, January 27, 2010
Living Fearlessly in 2010
If God be for us, who can stand against us! A Shepherd boy by the name of David, stood up against an incredible giant. The odds were against him: he wasn't a fighter, he was too small, to weak, and inexperience. But he didn't stand up to the giant in his own name, but in the name of the Lord! For the believer, the Lord is the rock of your Salvation. As long as you're standing on that Rock, you're standing on a sure foundation. Therefore, don't be afraid to dream, to dare, to hope, and to strive. Live without fear; you have nothing to fear but fear itself. REMEMBER, God didn't give you a spirit of fear, but of love and of power, and a sound mind!
Friday, January 1, 2010
Out with the old!
It's official; we're here! We knew it was coming; we knew that the law of eventuality would walk us right through the front door of the New Year! Whether we like it or not, we are forced to make a few decisions: change or remain the same. To get something you have never had, you must be willing to do something you have never done! Quite simply, make new habits. The new year offers the greatest opportunity to examine our habits. We really don't decide our future; we decide our habits, and our habits decide the future. The secret to your success is hidden within your daily routine. Therefore, decide to make intimacy with God a daily habit. The bible say, we plan, but God brings it to pass! In God's hands is your future, in your hands are the seeds. Make the seeds you plant in the New Year the seeds of new habits. Your future depends on it!
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